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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March-April 2014

“When I got [my] library card, that was when my life began.”

News from Our Branch

I received exciting news at the beginning of 2014! The Sacramento Public Library Foundation received a $27,000 bequest to be split evenly between the North Highlands-Antelope and Sylvan Oaks Libraries for projects that support children’s literacy. The Foundation also plans to pursue First 5 funding to add to the bequest funds, which would result in a total of $20,000 to spend at NH-Antelope. Improvements to be made with these funds include remodeling the children’s area with layout, furniture, manipulatives and technology appropriate for the developmental stages of children. An additional component of this project will be the purchase of materials (books, music, and audiobooks) to promote early literacy in children for whom Russian is their first language. Stay tuned for more information….

The following are some event highlights for March and April. Check the library website ( for a complete list of activities or pick up a calendar at the branch.

Family Celebration

Thursday, March 6, 4 pm: Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! Celebrate Dr. Seuss' 110th Birthday with reading and listening to our favorite Seuss' stories. We'll enjoy more activities and prizes this year and don't forget--there will be plenty of cake and refreshments. Volunteer readers are welcome! Please contact children’s librarian Denise if you’re interested in being a reader (

Did you know we have monthly programs for adults?

Saturday, March 8, 2 pm: Women Win the Vote! Join local historian Carolyn Martin, dressed in period costume, as she shares the history of women's suffrage through stories and pictures.

Saturday, April 5, 2 pm: Building the Transcontinental Railroad. Bill George, producer of the documentary film “The Hidden Wonder of the World, the Transcontinental Railroad from Sacramento to the Donner Summit” offers a captivating presentation that explains the importance of this achievement. Visit the abandoned granite tunnels, stunning trestles, gigantic cuts and breathtaking scenery traversed by the Transcontinental Railroad. Marvel at how the master engineers and builders of the 1860s accomplished this heroic deed.

- Kerri Moore, Branch Supervisor

The Teen Lounge hosted a display of “Book Blind Dates” for the second consecutive February. A variety of books were hand-selected and completely wrapped in white paper, obscuring the title, cover art, and blurbs. The blind dates featured a sneak peak of the content and a hint at the genre, and interested patrons checked them out and took them home to unwrap and see what they got. This year’s display outpaced last years, with at least two separate occasions where teen readers completely emptied the display. Book Blind Dates also made an appearance at many other SPL branches and ended up featured on our Twitter and Facebook pages, so expect to see them again!

- Justin Azevedo, Teen Librarian

Spring Book Sale April 25-26

Paperback donations, volunteers needed

Friends will spend Thursday, April 24 getting ready for one of our two big book sale events for the year. The spring book sale is set for Friday and Saturday, April 25-26 and will take place in the NH-A Library Community Room.. Friends of SPL get an early preview, starting at 11 a.m. on Friday, April 25. The sale is open to the general public at 1 p.m. and will be open during the library’s regular hours Friday and Saturday.

This is one of our principal fundraisers, and relies upon about 2 dozen volunteers to set up, staff and break down. Please consider donating about 4 hours to help make this event a success. You can contact Stefanie Buckmaster, our volunteer coordinator, at or contact the Friends at  Don't forget!  Volunteers get first crack at all of the books for sale!

We especially need help on Thursday, anytime between noon and 6 p.m. to set up. and again on Saturday afternoon, 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. to clean up.

This is a good time to donate books, especially paperbacks, as part of your spring cleaning.

Mini book sales will be suspended until June 11, in order to prepare for the big sale.

NH-Antelope Friends Quarterly Meeting April 16

The North Highlands-Antelope affiliate will be holding its regular quarterly meeting on Wednesday, April 16, 2014, starting at 11:00 a.m. in our library’s Community Room. Come enjoy a potluck lunch, while we hear from Kerri Moore about adult programs that will be held at the branch, as well as from Denise Lee and Justin Azevedo, who will describe children and teen programming on tap this spring and summer. Summer Reading will once again play a key role in our branch community.

We will consider budget requests to meet library needs that were not discussed in January. We are also considering some physical changes to our book storage system, to make book sales more efficient and less labor intensive.

We will have a potluck lunch during the meeting, with entrée provided, and Friends invited to bring a side dish or dessert. You can RSVP to

Pinterest Class Piques Our Interest

A big thanks to Stefanie Buckmaster for a fun and informative peek into the exciting world of Pinterest. Stef took us through the set up of a Pinterest account, showed us how to create “boards” and pin ideas from the Internet, how to “follow” other pinners, and most important, how to unfollow. There were lots of questions, and participants got a lot of info for their $5 donation. Happy pinning!

This was the second craft-style workshop sponsored by the NH-A Friends. We hope to do more hands-on craft workshops later this year.  If you have suggestions for the next workshop, please send your ideas to

“Big” Friends Annual Meeting and Election Results

The Annual Meeting of the Friends of Sacramento Public Library saw some changes to the Board and new leadership for several positions for 2014.

Elected officers are:

Jeff Rubin, President (Elk Grove)

Pauline Grenbeaux, Vice President (Arden Dimick)

Jo Anne Marie, Secretary (Valley Hi-North Laguna)

Mike Willis, Treasurer (Rancho Cordova)

Measure B to Set Course for Sacramento Public Library System

By Pauline Grenbeaux, Friends Vice-President 

On Tuesday, January 14, with many library supporters in attendance, the Sacramento City Council voted unanimously to place a measure on the June 3 ballot that calls for an additional $12 per year parcel tax specifically to support libraries. If passed,

this measure will help stabilize library funding so that all twelve city branches can continue to operate. On Wednesday, January 29, representatives from the Friends of the Sacramento Library and the Sacramento Public Library Foundation Boards met with Library staff, Mayor Pro Tem Angelique Ashby, and representatives from the consulting firm Townsend, Raimundo, Besler & Usher to discuss the next steps needed to launch a campaign to support Measure B. Those present at the meeting agreed to take responsibility for certain parts of the campaign process and to locate additional library supporters who can give their help.

Mayor Pro Tem Angelique Ashby will chair the campaign. Kristan Otto will serve as Treasurer. Friends board members Karen Thomas and Jo Anne Marie, wearing their private citizen hats, will take on specific roles for the campaign. Other individuals with connections to the Sacramento Public Library Foundation have also joined the campaign steering committee and will focus primarily on fundraising and endorsements.

If you have questions about the campaign process or if you would like to get involved, please contact Karen Thomas at or visit the campaign website at:

The Sacramento Public Library has been named as a finalist for the 20th annual National Medal for Museum and Library Service awards. The National Medal is the nation’s highest honor conferred on museums and libraries by the Institute for Museum and Library Services in recognition of service to the community and for making a difference in the lives of individuals, families, and communities.

The 2014 National Medal finalists hail from across the country and exemplify the great diversity of libraries and museums and include a school library, county library systems, individual libraries, children’s museums, conservancy and botanical gardens, and more.

The National Medal winners will be named later this spring, and representatives from winning institutions will travel to Washington, D.C., to be honored at the National Medal award ceremony. Winning institutions also receive a visit from StoryCorps, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to recording, preserving, and sharing the stories of Americans of all backgrounds and beliefs.