Join the Friends

Sunday, August 31, 2014

September-October 2014

Groucho Marx



After a very successful Summer Reading Program (as of 8/23, with one week left for turning in final reading logs, our branch had 872 signups, with a completion rate of 42.1%).
It’s time to go back to school.  The Homework Zone is buzzing with activity thanks to volunteer tutors Diane Rybicki and Chuck Solt who offer drop-in homework help to students in grades K-12 (and even some adults) on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30-5:30 pm.  Please encourage any young people you know who might need a little extra help to drop by.

And in more back-to-school news, kids and younger teens are invited to a Surviving Bullying workshop on Saturday, September 6 from 1-4 pm.  Our very own Teen Advisory Board has designed and will run this special program where kids can discuss different ways harassment can occur, share their personal stories, work together to come up with solutions, and create a bookmark that can be distributed at the library. They will also have the opportunity to speak to both local teen mentors and a registered counselor about their experiences. Thank you to teen librarian Justin Azevedo and TAB for creating this unique opportunity.

Finally, to keep up with all the young people in your life (or just to share with your own friends and family and to make new friends), join branch library technical assistant Vanessa Levin for an Introduction to Instagram class on Tuesday, September 9 at 6:30 pm.  Find out how to build your online presence by sharing your photos via Facebook and Twitter or just learn the basics on how to follow the people you care about.  Either way, join us to learn more about growing a happy and healthy Instagram account.
-      Kerri Moore, Branch Supervisor


Mark your calendar for our first quarterly book sale, October 31- November 1, in the library’s community room.  Instead of the current schedule of seven monthly mini- sales and two large scale sales each year, we will hold four quarterly sales per year. There will be fewer tables of books than presently available during our spring and fall sales, but we will still try and offer book selections in each genre.

Set up will begin on Friday morning, October 31, starting at 9:00 a.m. to allow the sale to begin when the library opens its doors at 1:00 p.m. We are looking for adult volunteers for set up and to staff the sale, and teen volunteers to publicize the sale and break down. If you want to volunteer, or just want further information, contact Stefanie Buckmaster at

Don’t forget to patronize the Friends book sale. Sale proceeds will continue to be the principal fund raising tool financing programs, library amenities and Lucky Day books at our branch, so we hope that the new format is wildly successful!


The North Highlands-Antelope Friends group has accomplished so much over the past few years, but we still remain a secret to the community. So, in September, we will be kicking off a membership development campaign, to educate our friends and neighbors about the valuable contributions the NH-A Friends make to our library.  

Without the Friends, the Teen Lounge would not exist. The Mommy and Me chair would not be snuggling anyone amid the children’s books. None of us would have enjoyed snagging a popular title or DVD from the Lucky Day collection. Teens would not be enjoying snacks and the special crafting materials funded by Friends at popular programs like Anime Club, Manga Mania and Dungeons and Dragons.  Children would be missing out on the popular “Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss” party, “Trap a Leprechaun,” and “Wild Things” programs. And adults would have missed the “Building the Transcontinental Railroad” program, as well as the wildly popular “All Wrapped Up: Create Wire Wrapped Jewelry” program.

You already appreciate the value of the NH-A Friends. Why not ask a friend or neighbor to join? Half of the membership dues, which are pretty nominal at $15 per individual and $20 per family, remain within our community. So, every new member helps us fund all the nice extras that make our branch such a cool place to visit.


Sacramento Public Library's One Book 2014 selection is the memoir “What It Is Like To Go To War” by Karl Marlantes.

In 1969, Marlantes won the Navy Cross as a 24-year-old Marine lieutenant for leading an assault on a heavily armored North Vietnamese bunker. He suffered serious battlefield wounds and, later, post-traumatic stress disorder.

Today, Marlantes is a bestselling writer of both fiction and nonfiction. “What It Is Like To Go To War” weaves accounts of his combat experiences with analysis and self-examination. The author will be in conversation with Mary Menzel, director, California Center for the Book. There will be books available for sale and signing.

Oct. 7, Tuesday, 6:30 p.m.
A Conversation with Author Karl Marlantes
Tsakopoulos Library Galleria
828 I St.

The evening is the main event for Sacramento Public Library's 2014 One Book celebration. It is being held in cooperation with California Reads, a statewide multi-year project of Cal Humanities that brings Californians together to explore important topics through reading and discussion.

Inspired by this year's One Book, former Sacramento Poet Laureate Bob Stanley will join our monthly Writers' Gathering to talk about memoir writing.  If you've ever wondered how to go about writing your life story or share particular life experiences in writing, you won't want to miss this special evening.  Join us on Wednesday, October 8 at 6:30 pm.


Dear Friends Leaders:
I hope you are having an enjoyable summer.  Although the hot weather would seem to dictate a decrease in activities, wherever I go in the county I find Friends fully engaged in actively supporting and promoting our library. Whether it is educating neighbors or elected officials, fund raising, assisting library staff with innovative community programs, or working to improve our organization’s operations, volunteers are constantly in motion. What a great time to be part of Sacramento’s vibrant library community!
A quick update on FSPL activities.
  • The next All Friends Branch meeting is September 27, 1:30 PM, at the Robbie Waters Pocket-Greenhaven Library.
  • SPL Director Rivkah Sass to report preliminary results of the in-depth Branch Efficiency Analysis at the JPA and All Friends meetings in September.
  • The Belvedere facility will henceforth be referred to as the “The Book Den” encompassing all Warehouse, Store and Internet Sales.
  • Safety improvements continue at the facility and mandatory training of all volunteers will begin this month.
  • North Sacramento-Hagginwood allocated $500 in Assisting Friends Matching Grant.

-      Jeff Rubin, President