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Friday, July 3, 2015

July - August 2015

News from the North Highlands-Antelope affiliate of the Friends of Sacramento Public Library

“In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.” 

Mark Twain


Color Me Beautiful Fundraiser a Success!

On Saturday, June 6, Color Me Beautiful consultant Nancy Matlin spoke to a group of 17 women about how to use color to bring out their best selves. Nancy waived her usual fee and instead used this event to raise funds for the NH-Antelope Friends. Thank you to everyone involved for your generous donations, totaling $144!

Welcome Our New Teen Librarian

Greetings! I am Amber Clark, the new Teen Librarian at North Highlands Antelope Library. Recently, I moved from Oklahoma City to the Sacramento area, and I am happy to be settling into the library and the community. I look forward to the continued success of Anime Club and Manga Mania, and I plan to refresh the Teen Advisory Board; begin new teen programs, such as Journal Junkies and a teen book club; and start a teen volunteer program that focuses on community engagement and leadership. It is great to be a part of the Sacramento Public Library System; everyone is friendly and eager to help. I look forward to meeting you.

Summer Reading Challenge Going Strong

NH-Antelope patrons have risen to the challenge to fight the “summer slide,” that happens when students who don’t read during the summer lose up two months of the reading skills from the previous school year. In the first 3 weeks of the program, 580 patrons have signed up and 133 have finished (a completion rate of 22.9%), reading a total of 1988 books so far. Sign up today if you haven’t already, and remember that summer reading is for all ages! Below are program highlights for the remainder of the summer:

Programs for Adults

Saturday, July 11, 2pm: Let’s Dance! Instructors from Spotlight Dance will teach the electric slide and the Cuban shuffle.

Tuesday, July 14, 6:30pm: Internet Radio Made Easy- Learn how to access basic internet streaming radio using services such as Spotify, Songza, and Pandora.

Saturday, August 8, 2pm: Aloha, Hawaii! With the Ohana Dance Group.

Programs for Teens

Wednesday, July 22, 3pm: Spiral Notebook Making

Wednesday, July 29, 3pm: Felt Creatures!

Tuesday, August 4, 4pm: Harmony Henna

Programs for School Age Children, Thursdays at 4pm

July 2: Nature’s Critters

July 9: Mobile Sound Lab

July 16: Didgeridoo Down Under

July 23: Summer Reading Party and Book Swap

July 30: Make Your Own Musical Instruments

August 6: Felix Dance and Drum Company

Kerri Moore, Branch Supervisor


NH-Antelope Friends will hold its next book sale on Friday, July 31 and Saturday, August 1. This will be a “bin sale,” which will feature great prices on books that have been stored in our red bins. There will be bargains galore!

We are beginning to sign up volunteers to work this sale. There are 4 possible shifts, but come and work when you can. Set up will be Friday, July 31 from 9:30 am- 1:00. The second shift is Friday, 1 pm to 6 pm, which is primarily sales. The Saturday, August 1 shifts are 10:00 am until 2:00 and second shift, which is 2:00 until the library closes or we are packed up, whichever comes first. If you only have an hour to spare, come and work between 3:00 and 4:00 on Saturday afternoon, while we restock the bins with any books left over.

And don’t forget to donate your gently used books and other media materials. You can drop off donations at the desk any time the library is open.

Volunteering is fun and profitable. Not only are our volunteers friendly, fun and helpful, but each volunteer gets a book sale reward, so sign up today. You may contact our book sale chairman Debby Cooney at


Thanks to our volunteers Jerry and Nancy Matlin, NH-A Friends can now offer books on Amazon! The Book Den and other branches have found this to be a very exciting way to increase sales and improve revenues. NH-Antelope Friends hope that our Amazon sales grow over time, sufficient to fund our branch’s Lucky Day collection. Without Amazon, we will likely have to stop funding Lucky Day in order to continue providing for the wonderful adult, teen and children’s programming that is offered in our branch.

We are still searching for a volunteer who would be willing to come in once a week and scan our nonfiction donations to identify those books that are likely sellers on Amazon. The FSPL corporate entity has been offering lots of advice and counsel on ways that branches can improve online book sales online, and we will offer training to volunteer(s) willing to dedicate about an hour or two per week. The volunteer can use his/her own smartphone for scanning or use the tablet that the Friends purchased.


Come join the NH-A Friends as we hold our annual evening meeting, for the convenience of all our working Friends. Set for Wednesday, July 29 at 6 pm, we hope to see you there. We will enjoy a supper from El Pollo Loco, and side dishes and desserts brought by individual Friends. The meeting will take place in the library’s community room.
On the agenda for the meeting: branch reports from our librarians, including proposed programming for the next quarter; finalizing the summer book sale; book sorting and Amazon sales, and increasing Friends membership at our branch.

Call or email me for further information: Karen Lindh,, 916-591-7269.

All our Friends are welcome, but please RSVP so we have enough food!


In our first year participating in the Big Day of Giving, the Friends of Sacramento Public Library brought in nearly$20,000 and saw other benefits as well. If you donated to the campaign, thank you, and if not, there’s alway next year.

Some of the points I found interesting:

  • Friends were #18 on the Leaderboard in Number of Gifts at 217 (out of 529 participating nonprofits). 
  • Raised $17,531 from individual donors. 
  • Won $2,000 of additional incentive prize money. 
  • Total $19,531 that will support the One Book Sacramento Program and activities upcoming in October. 
  • Benefited each Friends group within the system by arranging for bookplate recognition as underwriters through the Big Day of Giving. 
  • Website: Upgraded to allow for picture rotation and videos—makes more visually appealing and attractive to readers. 
  • Has increased public awareness of the Friends and also of Library mascot Otterby Reading: he visited and was photographed in 21 settings under the auspices of the Friends. 

Ellen McCaslin, Kathi Windheim and their entire team deserve a round of applause from all Friends for the success of this undertaking.