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Thursday, November 3, 2016

November - December 2016

News from the North Highlands-Antelope Friends of Sacramento Public Library

"The part of my education that has had the deepest influence wasn't any particular essay or even a specific class, it was how I was able to apply everything I learned in the library to certain situations in my life. . . The library takes me away from my everyday life and allows me to see other places and learn to understand other people unlike myself."
Gloria Estefan



The North Highlands-Antelope library will be closing for a refresh on December 17 and we expect it to remain closed until the end of March. Most of the staff will be temporarily assigned to Sylvan Oaks on Auburn Blvd., and that is a good place to pick up book requests while our branch is closed. Rio Linda branch is also not too far.

New paint, new carpets, new furnishings and an expanded children’s section will be on tap. Book shelves and computers will also be re-arranged to provide a more open feel, and smaller seating areas. While it may be an inconvenience to those of us who use the library on a weekly basis, the results will be well worthwhile!

After the refresh, the Friends book sale shelves will be in the foyer, so don’t forget to browse the latest offerings when you enter the library.


The Friends took the summer off, so there are plenty of books, CDs, and DVDs that we have accumulated to sell at our Big Fall Book Sale, November 4-5. Our three book sales a year have been earning over $3,000 per year, which goes right back to our branch for programs, special equipment and Lucky Day books.

If you only have an hour to spare, come and work between 3:00 and 4:00 on Saturday afternoon, while we restock the bins with any books left over. We need to completely clear the room by 5:00 pm since our branch has been selected as a polling place on Tuesday, November 8.

If you have gently used books, DVDs or audiobooks for the book sale, please bring items to the library beginning November 1.  And don’t forget to tell all your friends and neighbors.

Volunteering is fun and profitable. Not only are our volunteers friendly, fun and helpful, but each volunteer gets a book sale reward, so sign up today. For more information, or to volunteer for a shift, contact Karen Lindh at


I just want to make sure that North Highlands-Antelope Friends are aware of and involved in the BookFirst program, which will fund new books for over 9,100 first graders in Sacramento County. BookFirst, you may recall, is funded by the Friends’ Big Day of Giving campaign.

Distribution will be prioritized to schools in which 70% of the student population is eligible for free lunch. North Highlands has hit the jackpot with 14 schools involved, a far larger number than the four or five schools served by other branches. 

The distributions will be arranged by Denise Lee, our youth services librarian, but we are hoping a Friend will assist Denise at each school. As a thumbnail, branch Friend or Friends will assist the youth service librarian on the designated day for distribution. The Library staff do most of the work, arranging meetings, putting them on the schedule, letting the assigned volunteers know when visits are scheduled, transporting the books to the library or school site and running the program. The Friend(s) will help put books on the tables, perhaps saying what the Friends do, and then assist the teachers and librarian in helping kids select a book. We will hold another orientation for volunteers before distributions begin, in the January-February 2017 timeframe. Contact Karen Lindh, for more information.


As a big thank you for being a Friend of Sacramento Public Library, FSPL is having a special open house and book sale at The Book Den and Warehouse on Sunday, November 13 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. All members, and only members, will be invited. The Book Den is located at 8250 Belvedere Avenue, #E Sacramento, CA. There will be bargains galore, refreshments and fun, but only for members of the Friends of the Library. A 20% discount on all books purchased at the event is The Book Den’s way of saying thank you for supporting the Friends and every branch of Sacramento Public Library! I hope to see you all there, picking up special bargains for the holidays.


Volunteering, according to self-help gurus, is good for us, it helps us feel productive and happy, no matter what our time of life. The North Highlands-Antelope Friends of the Library have a variety of positions that can help you achieve benefits for yourself, and the entire community.

If You Love to Read, and Are Always Looking to Discover a New Title or Author
*Consider sorting new donations once per week. Average time - 2 hours per week

If You Like Meeting New People and Would Enjoy Working with Other Book Lovers 
*Consider volunteering at a book sale, where everyone else in the room loves books too!

If you have an “inner Grandma or Grandpa”
*Consider volunteering for the BookFirst distribution of free books to first graders in schools in the North Highlands community. Each school visit takes about an hour

If You are Handy in the Kitchen or Enjoy Entertaining
*Consider volunteering for our annual tea fundraiser committee, where the more the merrier!

If you are a whiz at Social Media
*Consider volunteering to post and/or repost news about exciting library programs or Friends activities. Get the word out about the dozens of fun and informative things going on here at our own branch. Minimal time.

If you have a communications background
*Consider contributing to the NH-Antelope Friends of the Library newsletter and blog. Two or three hours every other month. 


The Friends will hold their first quarterly meeting on January 19, at 11 am at Sylvan Oaks Community room. Elections for 2017 board positions, update on library refresh, and planning for book sales and fundraisers will be on the agenda.

The first book sale of the year is set for May 5-6, 2017 back home at the North Highlands-Antelope branch. We will do something special to commemorate the reopening of our branch by late March or early April.

Mark your calendar right now for our annual tea event, scheduled for Saturday, August 5, 2017 in our community room. Entitled Midsummer Tea and Tales, we hope that this event will sell out, just as our 2016 tea did. We will have an exciting speaker and tasty tea and treats, all for a suggested $15 donation.

Our 2017 Big Fall Book Sale will be held November 3-4, 2017.

Friday, September 9, 2016

September - October 2016

News from the North Highlands-Antelope Friends of Sacramento Public Library

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.”
Walt Disney (1901-1966)


Changes on the Way… 

As you know, Kerri Moore transferred to Arden-Dimick branch library in August. North Highlands-Antelope library has an Interim Branch Supervisor, Kristi Powell, so say hi if you see her. Teen Librarian Amber Clark will be on a temporary out-of-class placement. She will be the acting Branch Supervisor of the Orangevale Library starting Sept. 3. This is an exciting opportunity for Amber to get a broad spectrum of library management experience. We will miss her over the next few months - our teen patrons especially. A call has been sent out for her temporary replacement here. I will forward more information on that when we know more.

The big news is that our branch is the latest to be selected for a refresh. Expect to see more seating areas, new carpet and furnishings and a major improvement to the look and feel of the children’s area. Currently, the work is scheduled to take place first quarter of 2017. The library will be closed during this period.
Homework Zone is available once again at the library on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm. Free help is available for any grade from kindergarten through 12th grade. Make sure your kids, grandkids and neighbor kids know where they can go for free help with their homework.


The Friends took the summer off, so there are plenty of books, CDs, and DVDs that we have accumulated to sell at our fall sale, November 4-5. Our three book sales a year have been earning over $3,000 per year, which goes right back to our branch for programs, special equipment and Lucky Day books.

As has been our practice, we will be recruiting teens from local high schools to help us set up and staff the sale, in return for community service hours. Set up will take place Thursday, November 3, and with the sale starting on Friday and Saturday. 

We are beginning to sign up adult volunteers to work this sale. There are four shifts, but I encourage you to come and work when you can.  The first shift is Friday, November 5 from 10:00 am- 2:00, which includes some final set up and sales. The second shift is Friday, 2:00 pm to 6 pm, which is primarily sales. The Saturday, November 5 shifts are 10:00 am until 2:00 and second shift, which is 2:00 until the library closes or we are packed up, whichever comes first. If you only have an hour to spare, come and work between 3:00 and 4:00 on Saturday afternoon, while we restock the bins with any books left over.

If you have gently used books, DVDs or audiobooks for the book sale, please bring items to the library beginning November 1.

Volunteering is fun and profitable. Not only are our volunteers friendly, fun and helpful, but each volunteer gets a book sale reward, so sign up today. For more information, or to volunteer for a shift, contact Karen Lindh at


Thanks to our volunteers Jerry and Nancy Matlin, NH-A Friends are now selling books on Amazon!  The Book Den and other branches have found this to be a very exciting way to increase sales and improve revenues. While sales started slowly last year, the pace of sales has been picking up and we are hopeful that we can meet our $1200 annual budget goal.  

While Amazon has offered us a way to sell books at more than $2, it does add additional time to sort donations. All nonfiction books must be scanned to determine value, although the donation of an iPhone has made the scanning process far faster and easier. Thanks to our fantastic volunteers Debby, Elaine, Joan, Charlyne and Sigrid for taking this task on, in addition to other book sorting duties.


As a big thank you for being a Friends of Sacramento Public Library, FSPL is having a special open house and book sale at The Book Den and Warehouse on Sunday, November 13 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The Book Den is located at 8250 Belvedere Avenue, #E Sacramento, CA. There will be bargains galore, refreshments and fun, but only for members of the Friends of the Library. A 20% discount on all books purchased at the event is The Book Den’s way of saying thank you for supporting the Friends and every branch of Sacramento Public Library! I hope to see you all there, picking up special bargains for the holidays.


The next North Highlands-Antelope Friends meeting will take place Wednesday, October 19 between 11:00 am and 1:00, in the library community room. Sandwiches by Togo’s will be provided, along with side dishes and desserts brought by individual Friends.  

On the agenda for the meeting: branch reports from our interim branch supervisor, including proposed programming for the next quarter; 2017 priorities; finalizing volunteer list for fall book sale; making provision for the branch closure; update on the library refresh and preliminary planning for our 2017 tea fundraiser. 

Call or email me for further information: Karen Lindh,, 916-591-7269.

All our branch Friends are welcome, but please RSVP so we have enough food!

Friday, July 8, 2016

July - August 2016

News from the North Highlands-Antelope Friends of Sacramento Public Library

“In the nonstop tsunami of global information, librarians provide us with floaties and teach us to swim.”
- Linton Weeks


Farewell from Kerri Moore (who has moved to the newly remodeled Arden-Dimick branch)

See you later, but not goodbye

It’s been nearly 3 years since you welcomed me to the North Highlands-Antelope Library. How could I know that I would be so lucky to work with such a wonderful group of people who love the library and want the best for their community? Thank you for supporting new programming, giving your time and money to keep the library running, and accepting me and my vision for the branch. I will miss you all! Stop by the Arden-Dimick Library and say “hi” if you’re in the area.

Summer Lunch @ the Library

North Highlands-Antelope Library is one of seven branches helping to keep Sacramento’s children and teens nourished and engaged while school is out. Free nutritious lunch for kids and teens under 18 is being served Tuesday-Friday from 1-2pm through August 5. We have had a number of families attend 10:30 story time; search for books, get checked out, and play; have lunch; and then stay for the afternoon programs.  They spend the whole day at the library! 
Thanks to Amber Clark and Cindy Shular for all the work they’ve done to help get this program up and running smoothly and to the Elk Grove Unified School District and United Way for providing the meals!

Summer Reading Challenge Going Strong

NH-Antelope patrons have risen to the challenge to fight the “summer slide,” that happens when students who don’t read during the summer lose up two months of the reading skills from the previous school year.  As of June 13, the branch has had 373 people sign up for the program, 137 complete the initial challenge of reading 5 books, with a total of 4,029 books read. Sign up today if you haven’t already, and remember that summer reading is for all ages! The program runs through August 15. Below are program highlights for the remainder of the summer:

Programs for Adults

Saturday, July 16, 2pm: Basketball Great Bob Davies
Biographer Barry Martin tells the story of an NBA basketball legend.

Saturday, July 30, 2pm: Ohana Dance Group
Learn about Hawaiian culture through traditional hula.

Tuesday, August 2, 6:30pm: The Olympics on Social Media (aka Intro to Social Media)
Get a glimpse into insider Olympics news. This class will show you how to access Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook to learn more about the athletics you love.

Tuesday, August 9, 6:30pm: Vintage Camper Trailers
Meet the authors of this new book and see one of their vintage camper trailers.

Saturday, August 20, 1:30pm: Art Materials for Coloring
Try out different tools in this hands-on, guided workshop.

Programs for Teens

Friday, July 1, 4pm: Wii for the Win!

Thursday, July 7, 4pm: Altered T-shirts

Thursday, July 21, 4pm: Harmony Henna

Programs for School Age Children, Tuesdays at 4pm

July 5: Upcycled Medals and Trophies with Art Beast

July 12: Summer Reading Party and Book Swap [Note: this program begins at 2pm]

July 19: Live reptiles, amphibians and insects with Python Ron

July 26: Read for the Win with Outdoor Games

August 2: Hula Hoop Challenge

August 9: Lego Challenge

- Kerri Moore


The NH-Antelope Friends are taking the summer off, canceling the August book sale and postponing a second tea event until second quarter 2017. But that doesn’t mean that “new” books and materials aren’t available for sale from the Friends’ shelves during the summer.
We have recently had some significant donations of music CDs, DVDs, military history, and self help books. During the month of July, to clear out some of our older hardbacks, there is a big sale in the foyer of bargain books, priced right at 3 for $1.00. In August, choose from a wide variety of music CDs, from ABBA to country music and classical. Stop by next month and peruse our wide selection, all priced at $1.00.  And in September, the featured sale will be military history, with all books priced at $1.00.

And of course, we will continue to have hardbacks and paperbacks in the rounds, and magazines, children’s books and our bargains along the wall. So stop and shop every time you are at the branch.

We are grateful to the families that donated the CDs, military history, and all the books that are dropped off at the library for the Friends each and every day. If you have books you no longer need, consider donating them to the Friends.


The next meeting of the NH-Antelope Friends of Sacramento Public Library will be held Wednesday, July 20 at 6:00 pm in the library’s Community Room. This is our popular “El Pollo Loco” night, so come and enjoy a tasty dinner and help the Friends plot our future course. RSVP to to make sure there is plate with your name on it.

Library staff will update us on programs planned for our branch for the fall, and we will approve funding as needed.

Plans for a major remodel for the North Highlands-Antelope branch are firming up, and the library will be closed during the first quarter of 2017. We hope to get an update on what exactly is being planned for the remodel, and particularly how it will affect the Friends book sales. We are also hoping to hear some news about who will be appointed to serve as Branch Supervisor.


One of the real jewels in our community is the North Highlands-Antelope Library. (It sure isn’t sit down restaurants, theaters or entertainment venues.)  It is a source of entertainment, information, education, and just plain fun. Many people think that all the funds to run the branch come from SPL or the government downtown, but the NH-A Friends donate about an extra $10,000 per year to pay for programs such as Python Ron, Nature’s Critters, Harmony Henna, the Open Mic night for adults and teens, and coming September/October, a six-week drawing art program for adults. And don’t forget the $300 per month we donate for brand new popular books in the Lucky Day collection, just for NH-Antelope patrons. These amenities would not exist but for the Friends.

So ask a friend or neighbor to join the Friends to help us keep our library the wonderful destination it is for the entire community. At $20 for an individual or $25 for a family, the dues are the cost of one new book from Barnes & Noble, or a few days of Starbucks coffee. And the impact is huge! 



Big Day of Giving

In spite of technical glitches, which hampered fundraising by all Big Day of Giving nonprofits, Friends of Sacramento Public Library raised nearly $25,000, which will be used for the BookFirst program. BookFirst is a program to distribute new books to each first grader in selected schools in the Sacramento area. First piloted by the Arden-Dimick branch, the goal is to encourage all children to become lifelong readers. Details about how the program will be structured and what schools will be eligible are being addressed by a new BookFirst Implementation Committee. If you are interested in helping to develop the BookFirst plan, contact Ellen McCaslin at

Measure X

City of Sacramento voters overwhelmingly approved Measure X on June 7. By 78%, the parcel tax measure was approved, leaving current library funding intact for 10 years. While it doesn’t provide any increase to the budget, at least SPL Director Rivkah Sass and her staff are assured of some stability in the near term.

Friends Fall Events in the Planning Stage

Two free events are being planned for the fall period that will be both fun and useful for Friends of all branches. In October, a Behind the Scenes tour of the Central Library for Friends only will be held, with a fascinating look at the way that books are procured, distributed and even archived for future generations. In November, all Friends are invited to a reception and private sale at The Book Den. If you haven’t yet visited the Friends book store, the selection at The Book Den is amazing, and books are priced at just $1 or $2. Stay tuned.


Book Scanning: If you have ever thought that it would be satisfying to contribute time to your community, plus you have a smartphone, we have a perfect volunteer position for you. We are looking for one or two volunteers willing to scan donated nonfiction books for possible sale on the NH-A Friends Amazon site. This job would entail no more than an hour or two per week. You choose the day of the week and the time, we train you on the very simple Amazon scan process, and just like that, you are helping us provide the library with all these wonderful programs.


JULY 20, 6 pm
NH-A Friends Summer Meeting and Potluck Supper

OCTOBER 19, 11 am
NH-A Friends Summer Meeting and Potluck Supper

Friends Preview:  Friday  Noon - 1 pm
General Sale:  Friday 1 pm - 6 pm
General Sale:  Saturday 10 am - 3 pm

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May-June 2016

News from the North Highlands-Antelope Friends of Sacramento Public Library

A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life.
Henry Ward Beecher

What’s happening at the Library in May?

Learn about Backyard Composting on Saturday, May 21 at 2pm. The Compost Education Team, part of UC Master Gardeners, will talk about the value of compost, types of compost bins, building a compost pile using hot and cold techniques, and ways to use compost.

Did you know May is National Physical Fitness Month? School age children are invited to participate in a Lego Challenge on May 12 and a Hula Hoop Challenge on May 26, both at 4pm.

Looking for fun and stress relief? Come to the COLORistas adult coloring program on Wednesday, May 11 at 4pm. All materials will be provided!

Calling all musicians, dancers, poets, & performers! Six minutes to show what you’ve got. A community celebration of artistic talent! All acts welcome (ages 16 and up only). Program runs from 6-7:30pm on Wednesday, May 25. Signups start at 5:45 pm & are on a first come first serve basis.

Are you ready for this year’s Summer Reading Challenge?

From May 15-August 15, read 5 books to receive a prize!

Earn points all summer long for reading, completing challenges, and attending events – the more points you earn, the more chances you have to win!

  • 500 points – Book to keep (ages 0-17) or a reusable book bag
  • 1500 points – Library champion lawn sign
  • 2500 points – Summer Reading medal
  • Grand prizes – Every 500 points is another entry into the grand prize drawing for one of four iPad minis or a gift card! (Last summer a NH-Antelope patron won an iPad!)

Summer Reading 2016 will begin May 15 with this year’s theme Read for the Win! Great programs for all ages will be offered throughout the summer. Please check the library events calendar for details. Below are some highlights for June.

For Adults:

You Can Quilt! – Saturday, June 18, 2pm

Inspiration Boards – Tuesday, June 28, 6:30pm

For Teens:

Wii for the Win! – Friday, June 3, 4pm

Box Fort Nerf Wars – Thursday, June 9, 4pm

Teens in the Kitchen – Thursday, June 16, 4pm

Winning Friends with Friendship Bracelets – Thursday, June 23, 4pm

For School Age Children:

All programs are Tuesdays at 4pm

Magic Dan – June 7

Mad Science – June 14

Music and Song with Alan Candee – June 21

Nature’s Critters – June 28

Kerri Moore, Branch Supervisor


As a special promotion during May and June, FSPL is offering a buy one, get one annual membership. Share your support for libraries with someone you love this Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. For an individual, membership is only $15. Membership dues are going up July 1, so a new membership or early renewal will save you money too! New member forms are available at the library by the Friends’ cash box. Or stop in and talk to a volunteer during the May book sale.


The North Highlands-Antelope Friends of the Library held their spring meeting in April, with a great turn out. Friends voted to support a number of library programs, amenities and Lucky Day bestsellers for our branch. Kerri, Amber Clark, teen librarian, and Denise Lee, children’s librarian have put together a wonderful slate of programs. Special art programs, science, music and reading challenges are in store for school aged kids. Teens can look forward to a teen chef program, the ever popular Harmony Henna, and Library after Dark. There are a number of adult programs, as well, including a Coloring Book Class and Ohana Dance Group, among others. Make sure to check the library calendar for specific dates for these and all library programs. Friends allocated $1550 for programs, including $500 for art supplies and refreshments, $1500 for Lucky Day for the June-October period, $100 for a wireless mic and mic stand for Anything Aloud! monthly community performance programs, and $900 for a Fall Art Program. The 6-week spring Acrylic Arts program was so successful that Kerri thinks it would be great to repeat it.

Friends also decided to replace the August 5-6 book sale with a summertime tea. Friends have been helped so much by local high school students in setting up the book sales, that we decided that trying to do one during the summer break would be difficult.


Food blogger Lisa Lin demonstrated the technique for constructing several types of dumplings during a Friends-sponsored event held at the library on April 23. This was a hands-on training, and nearly twice as many people as anticipated came to try their hand at making potstickers, and other types of Asian dumplings.

This is just one example of programs sponsored and funded by the North Highlands-Antelope Friends of the Library. Not only informative, we also got to sample a couple types of dumplings that Lisa had prepared.

Did you know that there is a teen/adult coloring program held monthly at the library? The next COLORistas program will be held at 4:00 pm Wednesday, May 11. Bring your creative spark, the library (thanks to the Friends) provides the rest.


Building on the success of the High Tea and Mystery fundraiser held in January (see photo), the Friends Board voted at its April meeting to hold a second tea, on Saturday, August 6 at 1:00 pm in the Community Room. This will substitute for the summer book sale, previously scheduled for August 5-6.

Instead, we are seeking an author to speak with a focus on travel, while serving “summer-friendly” fare, like iced tea and coffee and mini sandwiches. We hope to recruit about a dozen volunteers to handle all the duties, including decor, food, set up and clean up. This is intended to be a more casual event than our January high tea. Suggested donation for tickets will be $15. Tickets will go on sale in June. Contact: for more information.


Thanks to about 40 teen and adult volunteers, the NH-Antelope Friends held our spring book sale the first weekend in May. Our quarterly book sales provide about half the annual revenues available to support our branch. In addition to distributing free book with purchase coupons, Friends posted the sale on local social media sites, like Next Door and Friends of Antelope Facebook page.

Net revenues for the sale were about $1100, enough to cover one month of programs and two months of Lucky Day books. Thanks so much to Debby Karaman, Stefanie Buckmaster, Karen Sanders, Carole and George Raine, Gayle and Ed Fishkin, Charlyne Nichols, Michele Weiss, Michelle Weeks, Rita Dector, Joan Townsend, Sigrid Wilgohs, Chuck Solt, Kathy and Andrew Long-Turner, Darlene Russell and Ray Oliver.


Social Media Committee

At our last meeting, the suggestion was made to introduce a social media committee, to make sure that our meetings, book sales, member recruitment programs, special library programs, etc. reaches our friends and neighbors in North Highlands and Antelope. If you would be willing to service as part of such a committee, contact Karen Lindh at Would not require meetings, just agreeing to post or repost Friends’ messages.

Summer Tea Committee

We are recruiting between 6 and 12 members to act as an organizing committee for the tea planned for August 6. Assignments may include: table decor, food, raffle prizes, clean up. No more than two meetings are anticipated. Contact Karen Sanders at for more info or to volunteer.



In spite of elaborate plans to make the May 3 Big Day of Giving a great success, the failure of the website nationally put a crimp in many organizations plans, Friends included. The Friends partnered with the Sacramento Public Library with a series of events for Big Day of Giving donors, including excerpts from the Hound of the Baskervilles performed by Sacramento Theater Company and a lively discussion by Craig Sweeney, Executive Producer of “Limitless” and previously associated with “Elementary.” Craig and local TV personality Cody Stark entertained the crowd, and even answered the question that everyone had “what exactly is an Executive Producer?” It was a great evening at the Sacramento Galleria. While a final tally has not yet been completed, all funds raised will be used for the BookFirst program, to provide as many first graders as possible with their own books.

If you donated, thank you! If you had problems, we apologize. And if you meant to, well, there’s always next year.


Voters in the City of Sacramento will go to the polls on June 7 and support Measure X. The measure will continue the current parcel tax assessment for an additional 10 years. Currently, the parcel tax provides about 1/3 of the support for the City’s 12 branches, and if the measure does not pass, there will be serious impacts upon Sacramento Public Library’s annual budget.

Even though this does not directly affect Sacramento County, budget constraints will have impacts upon all of us. That is why the North Highlands-Antelope Friends board approved a resolution at its April 20 meeting in support of the parcel tax measure. So urge your friends and relatives living in the City of Sacramento to vote YES on Measure X.

Dates to remember

July 20 - 6pm
Friends Summer Meeting and Potluck Supper
Library Community Room

August 6 - 1pm
Summertime Tea and Tales Fundraiser
Library Community Room
$15 suggested donation

October 19 - 11am
Friends 3rd quarter meeting and potluck lunch
Library Community Room

November 4-5
Fall Book sale
Library Community Room

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

March - April 2016

News from the North Highlands-Antelope Friends of Sacramento Public Library

“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.” 
Carl Sagan


Fun and Games for Adults!

Ever wonder why kids get to have all the fun? Well that’s about to change! Pick up an adult bingo card at the library today. There’s one for March and a different one for April. Complete 5 activities in a row and bring the completed bingo card to the library for a fabulous prize!

Prom Wear Drive and Giveaway

Adults: Bring your old prom dress, tuxedo, or other prom accessories into the branch before Friday, March 11. Teens: Come in on Friday, March 11 between 4 and 5:30pm to try on prom wear and take home your favorite!

New Monthly Program Debuting in March

Anything ALOUD! Calling all young adult and adult musicians, dancers, poets, & performers! Six minutes to show what you’ve got. A community celebration of artistic talent! All acts welcome. Program runs from 6-7:45pm on Wednesday, March 23. Signups start at 5:45 pm & are on a first come-first served basis.

Art Reception

Join us at 2pm on Saturday, April 2 for an Art Reception and view acrylic paintings created by students in a 6-week art program led by local artist Lynn Morrison. Several of the paintings will also be showcased in the lobby display case throughout the month of April.

Hands-on Cooking Program for Adults in April

Join us Saturday, April 23 at 2pm and learn how to make Chinese dumplings. This hands-on cooking class will be led by food blogger Lisa Lin, whom you may remember from her pie crust making demonstration in November. Check out her blog at

Check Out These Programs for School Age Children

The following Thursdays at 4pm: 

March 10: Sand Art with ArtBeast
March 17: Trap a Leprechaun
March 24: Make Cork Bunnies
April 7: Wild Thing, Inc. (live animals)
April 14: El dia de los ninos with the Poodlums (interactive musical duo)

Changes in Hours at Several Sacramento Public Library Branches

Southgate and Arden-Dimick libraries recently closed for interior refurbishments that will not only refresh the two libraries, but also make them more efficient and user-friendly for those who visit.

In an effort to continue to meet the community’s needs, we’re providing additional open hours at three other library locations. The temporary hours will begin on Monday, Feb. 29, and run through Thursday, June 30.

Southgate and Arden-Dimick libraries will re-open by Wednesday, June 1.
Hours at the locations listed below are effective Monday, Feb. 29 and will return to normal business hours on June 30.

Arcade Library 
Monday 10-6
Tuesday 10-8
Wednesday 10-8
Thursday 10-6
Friday 1-6
Saturday 10-5

Carmichael Library
Monday 10-6
Tuesday 10-8
Wednesday 10-8
Thursday 10-8
Friday 1-6
Saturday 10-5
Sunday 12-5

Martin Luther King, Jr. Library 
Monday 10-6
Tuesday 10-6
Wednesday 10-6
Thursday 12-8
Friday 1-6
Saturday 10-5

Please note: All Libraries will be closed Thursday, March 31 in honor of César Chávez Day

- Kerri Moore, Branch Manager


Our first tea fundraiser, held January 30, was a great success, thanks to our group of mighty volunteers, who turned the community room into a charming tea shop for an afternoon. Our guests all agreed that our speaker, Catriona McPherson, made the day, with her clever, funny and poignant remarks about her new life in America and her early life in Scotland.
 Volunteers provided all the food, and lent the Friends linens, china, tea cups and more, which added a touch of glamour to the event. 

The event earned about $1,000, which will be available to fund library programs and equipment during the 2016 calendar year. 

After review, the Tea Committee is recommending that we follow up with a tea during 2017, in conjunction with Mother’s Day. If you would like more information, or would like to volunteer for what turned out to be a really fun event, contact Karen Lindh at

Thanks to every member of the tea committee, who contributed so much to our success: Kathy Berg, Stefanie Buckmaster, Mary Caicchiolo, Mary Ellis, Pam Farrell-Webb, Gayle Fishkin, Debby Karaman, Karen Lindh, Nancy Matlin, Charlyne Nichols, Carole Raine, Karen Sanders, Julie Wagener, and Michele Weiss.


For the second year running, the Friends of Sacramento Public Library will be participating in Sacramento’s Big Day of Giving. The Big Day of Giving is a 24 hour online giving campaign, involving more than 500 philanthropic and/or community organizations taking place on May 3. FSPL was quite successful in 2015, raising about $20,000, which was used to fund the Library’s One Book Sacramento.

After discussion with the Board and branch Friends, this year proceeds from BDoG will be used to fund the library’s literacy campaign to provide each first grader with a book, beginning with underserved communities. As partners, the Friends and Sacramento Public Library hope to instill a life long love of reading, one child at a time.

And mark your calendar for all kinds of fun events that will take place on May 3 at the Library Galleria, including an afternoon presentation of “The Hound of the Baskervilles,” mystery/thriller book sales and in the evening, “A Conversation with Craig Sweeny, Creator of Limitless and Exec Producer of Elementary.”

Support this important undertaking on May 3, and enjoy an exciting event downtown to celebrate!


At its January meeting, NH-Antelope Friends approved $2,000 for library programs between now and the start of summer reading program, (see Kerri’s report above for more description of those programs). We also approved $250, to be matched by FSPL, for a new iPad for Vanessa Levin, the library’s Tech Assistant. Vanessa will be able to use the tablet for group trainings and one on one training for our library patrons.

Our next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, April 20, and all NH-Antelope Friends are invited to join us for our 11 am meeting and potluck lunch. We will be approving funding for library programs in conjunction with the summer reading program. We will also consider funding options for the Lucky Day collection (recently released titles and DVDs that are available only to patrons of the NH-Antelope library. If you find the best seller you were looking for over by the librarian’s desk, it’s your Lucky Day.)


Our first book sale of the year, Feb. 6-7, brought in about $1200, thanks to a large number of customers coming in the door with their “free book with purchase coupon.” We had a high volume of book donations through January, so there were a lot of great books, audiobooks and DVDs to choose from. Our quarterly book sales are an important source of funding, and is even more critical with the decline in our weekly lobby sales.

The book sales could not occur without lots of teen and adult volunteers, so hat’s off to all our volunteers, who donated more than 100 hours over the period of set up and two day sale.

Our next book sale will be the first weekend in May. We are always looking for new volunteers, so if it sounds like something that would be fun (and it is!), contact Debby Karaman, our book sale chair, at debby


by Jeff Rubin

The Friends of the Sacramento Public Library held its annual meeting on Sunday, January 31, 2016. Sue Powell and Alex Zabelin were newly elected to the Board of Directors. Margaret Clausen, Diane Dobbs, Jo Anne Marie, Anita Scuri and Chuck Shulock were re-elected to new terms. The following serving Board Officers were re-elected for 2016:

President-Jeffrey Rubin
Vice-President-Anita Scuri
Treasurer-Margaret Clausen
Ellen McCaslin was newly elected as Secretary.

1. Board of Directors

At the February 9, 2016 meeting, the Board of Directors:

a. Awarded Assisting Friends matching funds to North Highlands-Antelope and South Natomas Friends.

b. Deferred a decision on a distribution of endowment funds to the Sacramento Public Library at this time and agreed to revisit the matter at the end of the second quarter of 2016.

c. Approved a complimentary six-month Friends membership for new donors to the Big Day of Giving in 2016.

d. Released a $20,000 contribution to the Measure X Renewal Campaign.

2. Meeting

The FSPL Board of Directors will next meet on March 8, 2016, 6:30 PM at the South Natomas Library.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

January - February 2016

Happy New Year from the North Highlands-Antelope Friends of Sacramento Public Library



Look for the introduction of new monthly programs in January and February!

Vanessa, our technology assistant, will be hosting Tech Club the 2nd Friday of each month from 10-11am. The January 8th class will cover the basics of how to use a computer. Class size is limited, so please register at the front desk or by calling 916-264-2920.

Amber, our teen/adult librarian, will be offering a way to reduce stress and explore your creativity with COLORistas, the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 4-5:30pm, beginning January 13. Adults and teens are invited to join the coloring group to discover the benefits of coloring fun and imaginative conversation! Exciting coloring pages, crayons, colored pencils, and markers are provided.

Denise, our children’s librarian, will begin offering Saturday Storytime the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10-11am, beginning February 13. Preschool children and their families can enjoy stories, songs, playtime and other early literacy activities.

Join us on the 4th Friday of each month from 4-5:45pm for Fridays Unplugged! Board Game Fun. From the classics to games you may never have heard of - you're sure to find something fun in our game cupboard. All you need to bring is yourself and some family or friends, and it's a game party! The January 22nd program will feature an UNO challenge!

Also coming in February, Art Classes for Older Adults

Learn from professional teaching artist Lynn Morrison in this six-week acrylic painting series for adults ages 55+ (Saturdays from 2-4pm, February 13-March 19). Enjoy discovering and expressing your inner creativity through painting. All levels of experience are welcome. Art supplies will be provided. Class sizes are limited and participants are expected to attend all six classes. Register today at (Hurry! As of today, there are only 8 spots left!)

Funded in part by the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission Artists in the Community grant program with support from the Friends of the Arts Commission.

Additional programs in January and February

There’s so much going on I can’t list it all here (though I will mention a few highlights). Follow the link on the right-side to view Upcoming Library Events or pick up a paper calendar of events next time you’re in the branch!

School age children can learn how to make mosaics using a variety of materials and textures with Art Beast on Thursday, January 7 at 4pm.

The Sacramento Tree Foundation will conduct a Tree Pruning Clinic on Saturday, January 9 at 2pm, teaching quick, simple steps you can take now to help your young shade trees grow healthy, strong, and beautiful will save you time and money in the future.

SMUD's energy specialist will discuss different ways to help put the consumer on the road to a lower bill with Low Cost/No Cost Ways to Lower Your Energy Bill on Tuesday, February 16 at 6pm. The session will focus on simple low cost and no-cost ways to help consumers lower energy use, lower your energy bill and make your home more comfortable.

All princesses, princes and superheroes are invited to an African Princess and Superhero Party on Thursday, February 18 at 4pm with Fenix Drum and Dance. Don't forget to wear your favorite princess or superhero outfit. You will hear stories about Africa, sing songs, play drums and enjoy traditional African snacks.

Are you stumped at what to read next on your great literary adventure? How about discovering a new mystery, zombie, knitting, or kitten book? Explore library tools to sort through the library’s grand collection of books at What Do I Read Next? on Tuesday, February 23 at 6pm.

Submitted by Kerri Moore, Branch Manager

Teen Update

Nearly sixty North Highlands-Antelope Library teen volunteers completed 855 hours in 2015, and library staff look forward to the continuation of the teen volunteer program’s success. The teens work hard while they volunteer, pulling items on lists, cleaning, out-processing withdrawn items for the Friends, and assisting with programs. They stay very busy! Many teen volunteers are members of the Teen Advisory Board (TAB), which recently elected officers and has plans to host an anti-Valentine’s day party during its February meeting. Anime Club and Manga Mania continue to be popular teen programs; at the January meeting of Manga Mania, a coloring and drawing contest will take place. The teen book club, Teens-and-Tea, will begin meeting again in February to discuss Andy Weir’s The Martian. Interested teens are encouraged to pick up a copy of the book from the teen librarian. The March book selection is Deep Down Dark by Héctor Tobar, which is the story of the 33 Chilean miners that were trapped and rescued. Those wanting to participate in the March discussion of Deep Down Dark, should reserve a copy soon.

Submitted by Amber Clark, Adult/Teen Librarian


Our fundraiser, High Tea and Mystery, will be upon us before you know it. We are very lucky to have a wonderful author, Catriona McPherson, a member of Sisters in Crime, offering “Tea and Conversation.” In addition, we will be serving wonderful homemade tea treats and a nice “cuppa,” plus you can visit with other members of our library community. The date is Saturday, January 30 at 2 pm, in the library community room.

There will be door prizes, and guests will have the opportunity to purchase books and other merchandise offered by the Friends.

We are very excited that, for our first fundraiser since 2010, we have had a very positive response from the community, with only 7 tickets left. Don’t miss out on Antelope’s big social event in January. You can order tickets by contacting us at or online here.

**Update 1/28/16 - High Tea and Mystery is SOLD OUT!


We hope to keep up the momentum of our very successful fall book sale, with the next quarterly sale scheduled for February 5-6 in the Community Room. We have had continuing donations of used books and other materials, but our paperback shelf is empty. So if you have gently used paperbacks that you are ready to clear out for the new year, please consider donating them to the Friends. You may bring books to the front desk any time the library is open.

And if you have never volunteered for a book sale, let me encourage you to give it a try this sale. Many of our regular volunteers will be very involved with the tea on January 30, and so if would be great if we could have a new crew to work a few hours on Friday or Saturday at the book sale. You can email us at: or call Karen Lindh at 591-7269 if you are interested in donating a few hours to a really good cause. Friends also get an early bird sale, at noon on Friday, Feb. 6 before the library is open. And we will be offering Buy One, Get One coupons to Friends, and library patrons. So don’t forget to get yours!


Our Friends’ group meets quarterly, and the first meeting of 2016 is set for Wednesday, January 20 at 11:00 am in the Community Room. At this meeting, we will consider our branch’s funding requests for programs and Lucky Day, make final preparations for the tea fundraiser and book sale, elect new officers for 2016, and get an update from the Big Friends.

We will enjoy sandwiches from Togo’s, but each member is asked to bring a side dish or drink to share.

Have questions? Contact Karen Lindh at or call 591-7269.


For many years, the NH-Antelope Friends have been supporting children’s and teens’ programs, and these programs have been very popular. Thanks to our talented library staff, adults now get to enjoy fun and educational program offerings. Just before the holidays, a demonstration by food blogger, Lisa Lin, helped take the mystery out of pie crusts. We enjoyed the demo, and got to sample delicious gluten free pastries.

Ms Lin will be making a repeat visit in April, when she will demonstrate dumplings and other tasty Chinese dishes.

Whether it is learning technology, coloring for fun or exploring your artistic side, be sure to check the library’s calendar for a program just right for you.


Treasurer’s Meetings

Three Branch Treasurer meetings to review the end-of-the-year financial report were conducted by System Treasurer Margaret Clausen. This financial report must be completed by Branch Treasurers so that the System Friends can file a timely tax return.

Branch Friends 2016 Meeting Dates

In order to help publicize Branch Friends activities, we need to be able to steer prospective members to your next meeting. We have only received meeting dates for one Branch for next year. We do need that information and would ask that each board complete the form for your Branch and forward it to Denise.

The FSPL Board of Directors will next meet on January 12, 2016, 6:30 PM at the North Natomas Library. 

The Annual Meeting of the Friends of Sacramento Public Library will be held January 31 at the Valley Hi-No. Laguna Library at 1:00 pm. All members of the Friends are invited to come and cast a vote for Board members and Officers to serve in 2016.

The following month, on February 28, the All Friends meeting will be held at The Book Den. The Membership Committee will be unveiling a new program aimed at assisting branches recruit new members (and potentially new volunteers). The meeting will be from 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm.

Jeffrey L. Rubin, President
Friends of the Sacramento Public Library