News from the North Highlands-Antelope Friends of Sacramento Public Library
"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island.”
Walt Disney (1901-1966)
Changes on the Way…
As you know, Kerri Moore transferred to Arden-Dimick branch library in August. North Highlands-Antelope library has an Interim Branch Supervisor, Kristi Powell, so say hi if you see her. Teen Librarian Amber Clark will be on a temporary out-of-class placement. She will be the acting Branch Supervisor of the Orangevale Library starting Sept. 3. This is an exciting opportunity for Amber to get a broad spectrum of library management experience. We will miss her over the next few months - our teen patrons especially. A call has been sent out for her temporary replacement here. I will forward more information on that when we know more.
The big news is that our branch is the latest to be selected for a refresh. Expect to see more seating areas, new carpet and furnishings and a major improvement to the look and feel of the children’s area. Currently, the work is scheduled to take place first quarter of 2017. The library will be closed during this period.
Homework Zone is available once again at the library on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm. Free help is available for any grade from kindergarten through 12th grade. Make sure your kids, grandkids and neighbor kids know where they can go for free help with their homework.
The Friends took the summer off, so there are plenty of books, CDs, and DVDs that we have accumulated to sell at our fall sale, November 4-5. Our three book sales a year have been earning over $3,000 per year, which goes right back to our branch for programs, special equipment and Lucky Day books.
As has been our practice, we will be recruiting teens from local high schools to help us set up and staff the sale, in return for community service hours. Set up will take place Thursday, November 3, and with the sale starting on Friday and Saturday.
We are beginning to sign up adult volunteers to work this sale. There are four shifts, but I encourage you to come and work when you can. The first shift is Friday, November 5 from 10:00 am- 2:00, which includes some final set up and sales. The second shift is Friday, 2:00 pm to 6 pm, which is primarily sales. The Saturday, November 5 shifts are 10:00 am until 2:00 and second shift, which is 2:00 until the library closes or we are packed up, whichever comes first. If you only have an hour to spare, come and work between 3:00 and 4:00 on Saturday afternoon, while we restock the bins with any books left over.
If you have gently used books, DVDs or audiobooks for the book sale, please bring items to the library beginning November 1.
Volunteering is fun and profitable. Not only are our volunteers friendly, fun and helpful, but each volunteer gets a book sale reward, so sign up today. For more information, or to volunteer for a shift, contact Karen Lindh at
Thanks to our volunteers Jerry and Nancy Matlin, NH-A Friends are now selling books on Amazon! The Book Den and other branches have found this to be a very exciting way to increase sales and improve revenues. While sales started slowly last year, the pace of sales has been picking up and we are hopeful that we can meet our $1200 annual budget goal.
While Amazon has offered us a way to sell books at more than $2, it does add additional time to sort donations. All nonfiction books must be scanned to determine value, although the donation of an iPhone has made the scanning process far faster and easier. Thanks to our fantastic volunteers Debby, Elaine, Joan, Charlyne and Sigrid for taking this task on, in addition to other book sorting duties.
As a big thank you for being a Friends of Sacramento Public Library, FSPL is having a special open house and book sale at The Book Den and Warehouse on Sunday, November 13 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm. The Book Den is located at 8250 Belvedere Avenue, #E Sacramento, CA. There will be bargains galore, refreshments and fun, but only for members of the Friends of the Library. A 20% discount on all books purchased at the event is The Book Den’s way of saying thank you for supporting the Friends and every branch of Sacramento Public Library! I hope to see you all there, picking up special bargains for the holidays.
The next North Highlands-Antelope Friends meeting will take place Wednesday, October 19 between 11:00 am and 1:00, in the library community room. Sandwiches by Togo’s will be provided, along with side dishes and desserts brought by individual Friends.
On the agenda for the meeting: branch reports from our interim branch supervisor, including proposed programming for the next quarter; 2017 priorities; finalizing volunteer list for fall book sale; making provision for the branch closure; update on the library refresh and preliminary planning for our 2017 tea fundraiser.
Call or email me for further information: Karen Lindh,, 916-591-7269.
All our branch Friends are welcome, but please RSVP so we have enough food!