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Tuesday, July 11, 2017

July-August 2017 Blog


Lunch @ the Library - While school is out for the summer, join us at the library for a free nutritious lunch.  Open to all youth 18 and under – no paperwork required. Served 1-2:30pm every Tuesday through Friday, through August 4.
Summer Reading - Have you signed up yet? “Reading by Design” is the theme for Summer Reading this year and it’s FREE for all ages! Read five books and win a free book to keep, earn points by reading and completing activities. The more points you earn, the more chances you have to win and be eligible for a grand prize drawing in August. Adults, teens, kids, and pre-readers can sign up at the North Highlands-Antelope Library, at any other Sacramento Public Library branch, or at Don’t miss out on all the fun happening through August 15.
Teen Chess Club - Drop in to play chess at the library with your friends. Share strategies and have fun! Games and comfortable seating provided. Every Wednesday 3:30-5:30pm.
Preschool Storytime - Come to the library for free, fun stories and activities for ages 3 to 5. Every Thursday 11am-12pm.
Anything Aloud! - Calling all musicians, dancers, poets, and performers! Six minutes to show what you've got. A community celebration of artistic talent! All acts welcome. Signups start at 1:30pm and are on a first come first serve basis. This is a supportive and encouraging environment that welcomes all art forms. For adults and teens age 16+. 2-4pm Saturday, July 29.
Baby Lapsit - Join us for this free program for you and your baby (0 to 18 months). We will encourage early literacy development and parent/child interaction through stories, rhymes, songs, finger plays and more. Every Tuesday 10:30-11am.
Toddler Storytime - Toddlers (ages 18 months to 3 years), accompanied by their parents or caregivers, are invited to this free storytime. This series features stories, songs, and other fun, age-appropriate activities. Every Tuesday 11-11:30am.
Design with Everyday Things - In this program for adults, create artwork to celebrate the moments of your life using everyday objects, or preserve your favorite collectibles. Bring your own objects or select from those provided at the class to get you started. 6pm Tuesday, July 11.
Summer Reading Party and Book Swap – Kids and their families please join us for pizza and refreshments at our annual summer reading party. Bring a gently used book, which you have already read and would like to trade for something new to read. Parent and teen volunteers are welcome. 4pm Thursday, July 13.
Mystery Book Club - Love mysteries? On the third Saturday of every month, come and discuss whodunits, cozies, and thrillers, with new books available each month. 10:30am Saturday, July 15.
Paper Airplane Engineering - Do you like aircraft? Flight? Building things? Come to the library and make a paper airplane! All construction materials and blueprints will be provided. For teens age 13-19. Planes that are constructed may be kept or donated to the library for display! 1-3pm Saturday, July 15.
Friends of the North Highlands-Antelope Library Meeting - Support your library by attending the quarterly Friends of the North Highlands-Antelope Library meeting. Open to the public, newcomers welcome! 6pm Wednesday, July 19.
Marshmallow Catapults – Kids build your own catapult, and launch marshmallows at the unsuspecting tower of cups in the distance. We will also have the instructions and materials to make a milk carton marshmallow catapult such as the one featured in the book, Martin Bridge: Onwards and Upwards! by Jessica Scott Kerrin. Parent and teen volunteers are welcome. 4pm Thursday, July 20.
Adult Book Club - Love to read and discuss good books? We read a variety of fiction and non-fiction. Meetings are the fourth Saturday of every month. Join in the conversation, with new books available each month. 10:30am Saturday, July 22.
Teen Coloring Group - Come create your own unique piece of artwork at the library. Exciting coloring pages, crayons, colored pencils and markers are provided. For ages 13-19. 3-5pm Tuesday, July 25.
Read to a Dog - Children ages 5 through 12 can read aloud to one of four friendly therapy-trained dogs, accompanied by their trained adult volunteers. Readers will earn a book after completing three Read to a Dog sessions. 3:30pm Wednesday, July 26.
Cork Critters - Create an assortment of animals with wine corks: from easy-to-make bunnies and penguins to more intricately-designed critters such as horses and giraffes. Parent and teen volunteers are welcome. 4pm Thursday, July 27.
Library Game Night – Teens bring a friend and come play YuGiOh, Magic the Gathering, Pokémon TCG and board games at the library! Snacks will be provided. 3:30-5:30pm Friday, July 28.

  • Kristi Powell, Branch Supervisor

Tea and History August 5 

Come join us for "Artifacts and Anecdotes: A Lighthearted Look at California's History" presented by James Scott, who will share some of the interesting books and more from the Library's collection.

The date is Saturday, August 5 at 1:30 pm at the North Highlands-Antelope library, 4235 Antelope Rd. As this is a fundraiser, the suggested donation is $20 per ticket.

Tickets may be ordered online by visiting our "store" Click on the picture, which will start the purchase process. Tickets ordered online will be held for you at the check-in desk, unless you provide an address for mailing your ticket.

Or you may order your ticket by replying to this email. Instructions on payment and ticket pick up will be emailed back to you. 

There will be traditional tea and lemonade, scones and “tea”lightful treats. Wear your best hat (there will be a prize) and prepare for a fun afternoon!

Friends Quarterly Meeting Set for July 19

The North Highlands-Antelope Friends of the Library will be meeting on Wednesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm in the library’s community room. This is our annual “evening” dinner meeting, to allow our working families a chance to be involved with the Friends. Entree will be provided, but Friends are asked to bring a drink or a side dish. Because we will be ordering food, please RSVP to President Debby Karaman at or

Branch supervisor Kristi Powell will be outlining upcoming programs, plus any requested funds to pay for them, along with Lucky Day books and other “wish list” library expenditures. We will also discuss the fall book sale and any additional fundraising proposals. We will also entertain the suggestion to establish a North Highlands-Antelope Friends of the Library Facebook page.

If you haven’t already done so, stop by the library and check out our new Friends of the Library Book Store.  It is located in the library foyer.  The shelves are filled with current publications, children’s books, DVDs and many more. And if you see one of our book sorting volunteers in the Friends room at the rear of the building, stop by and say hi.

Big Day of Giving Means Books for First Graders

The Big Day of Giving, held May 4, was a success in raising funds for the 500 nonprofits participating, and the Friends of SacPubLibrary are no exception. Raising $32,000 (a $7,000 increase over 2016 BDoG), the Friends Board has committed to a second year of funding  Sacramento Public Library’s Book First program. This year, there were 15 schools in North Highlands where first grade students received a free book. We expect the number of our neighborhood schools to jump in 2018 with the increase of revenue.

In the fall, we will be recruiting Friends volunteers to help children’s librarian Denise Lee distribute books to first graders. This is the volunteer activity with the biggest bang for the smallest time commitment. It is a heartwarming event, and each session lasts for less than an hour. The actual distributions will occur at the first of the year, but training will take place later this year.

Walnut Grove Meeting Gives Branch Friends a Chance to Catch Up
About twenty branch Friends groups met in Walnut Grove on June 24 to hear the latest Friends news. Dianne Dobbs, Vice President, reported that during the Big Day of Giving, we raised $32,300 with 309 donors, which  will once again be used to fund the Book First program. Ellen McCaslin, board member, noted the great success of the initial Book First distribution, with 8800 first graders receiving a book in 118 schools, and 1162 library cards issued in the 47 schools that participated in that part of the program. With added funding, Ellen indicated, the program can be expanded to even more schools. And Michele Beyer, Board Member, gave a tutorial to branches on how to set up and use their own Facebook account. Finally, branches shared some great ideas on membership development and fund raising.

The next All Friends meeting will be Saturday, September 30 at 1:30 pm at the Arcade Library on Marconi Avenue, Sacramento.