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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March-April 2019 Newsletter

North Highlands-Antelope Friends of the Library Newsletter


For details and up-to-date information on all North Highlands-Antelope Library programs, please consult our website at:

Special Events:
Dr. Seuss Read-a-Thon and Birthday Party Thursday, March 7, 4 p.m.
Celebrate Dr. Seuss’ 115th birthday with your favorite Seuss’ stories such as The Cat in the Hat and Green Eggs & Ham. Enjoy cake and refreshments, win prizes!

Trap a Leprechaun! Thursday, March 14, 4 p.m.
Build a leprechaun trap with a variety of recyclable materials. We will add some gold coins to catch those wily leprechauns!

Life Size Candyland Saturday, March 23 5:30 p.m.
Kids, teens, and families: join us in playing a life size game of Candyland across the entire library!

Prom Drive through March
Make someone's prom extra special by donating your gently-used formal wear, including dresses, suits, shoes, and accessories.

Prom Giveaway Saturday, April 13, 2:00 p.m.
Teens ages 13-19 with can find the perfect outfit for prom. With the help of community donations, we are giving away gently used formal wear including dresses, suits, shoes, accessories and other attire.

Genealogy: Dive into Sunday, April 14, 2:00 p.m.
An overview of the website and all of the functions it offers to make family history research, saving photos, and sharing results easy and fun. Presented by Laurie Markham.

Wild Things Thursday, April 4, 4:00 p.m.
Reptiles, amphibians and other animals return to the library! Don’t miss this opportunity to see live animals—some rare and endangered species—up close at this fun and educational free event.

Friends of the Library Meeting Wednesday, April 17, 1:00 p.m.
Support your library by attending the quarterly Friends of the North Highlands-Antelope Library meeting. Open to the public, newcomers welcome!

Mother's Day Tea, Sunday, May 5, 1:30pm
Join us for "Mother's Day Tea", a Friends of the North Highlands-Antelope Library fundraiser. Enjoy a fine cuppa, traditional treats, and a lighthearted look at Sacramento culinary history featuring local author Maryellen Burns. Support the North Highlands-Antelope Friends and our wonderful branch!

Library Insiders Third Wednesdays through June, 10:30 a.m.
A free, fun program for adults and teens with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Presentations, activities and more! You'll become familiar with the library resources and learn to be comfortable using the library as well as interacting with staff. We also will provide a "We Speak Library" speech device for participants to use during the program.

Ongoing Events:
Tech Help Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:00 p.m.; Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.
Need help setting up and using email? Having trouble downloading ebooks? Want to learn how to use Microsoft Word or Excel? Sign up for an appointment and get your tech questions answered.

Social Gaming First and Fourth Wednesdays, 12 p.m. 
Join us for our new gaming and social program for adults! We'll provide the games and refreshments; you bring the conversation and fun. Games available for play include: Scrabble, Chess, Monopoly, Dominoes, Checkers, and more. Bet on a good time!

Read to a Dog Fourth Wednesdays, 3:30 p.m.
Children ages 5 through 12 can read aloud to a friendly therapy-trained dog, accompanied by their trained adult volunteers.

Homework Zone Every Thursday, 3:30 p.m.
Drop-in homework help provided by a volunteer coach, available to assist students in grades K-8 with homework assignments.
Job Coach First and Third Thursdays, 11:00 a.m.
Looking for a job? Need help? Meet 1-on-1 with a trained job coach who will help you spruce up your resume, learn job searching techniques, practice interviewing skills, get an email address, and more! Sign up for a time slot at the library circulation desk.

Teen Space Every Friday, 3:30 p.m.
Want something fun to do? Hang out, listen to music, do activities, and eat snacks with friends. Upcoming programs include Teen Advisory Board, De-Stress & DIY, Anime & Manga Club, and Library Game Night.
Movie Matinee Fourth Mondays, 1:30 p.m.
Classics Book Club Second Saturdays, 1:00 p.m.
Mystery Book Club Third Saturdays, 10:30 a.m.
Best Sellers Book Club Fourth Saturdays, 10:30 a.m.
Dungeons & Dragons First and Third Sundays, 1:00 p.m.

Upcoming Library Closures:
Sunday, March 31 Cesar Chavez Day
Monday, May 27 Memorial Day

North Highlands-Antelope Library

Sunday: Noon to 5 pm
Monday-Thursday: 10 am to 7 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10 am to 5 pm

Kristi Powell
Branch Supervisor


Kudos to Denise Lee, North Highlands-Antelope Youth Services librarian, who scheduled Book First visits with 18 schools between January and March. Denise was accompanied by a Friend volunteer at each visit. Not only is this a great way to explain all the free books and services that the library provides, and to encourage families to access library cards, each first-grader gets to choose a free “forever” book to keep.

This program is funded by Friends of Sacramento Public Library during the Big Day of Giving organized each May by the Sacramento Region Community Foundation. This 24-hour giving challenge involves nearly 600 nonprofits benefiting the entire Sacramento region, addressing a wide variety of social needs. Stay tuned for information about the 2019 Big Day of Giving, coming up on Thursday, May 2.

First-graders can't wait to read their new books!


Tickets are now on sale for our Mother’s Day Tea, set for Sunday, May 5, 1:30 pm at the North Highlands-Antelope Library. This is our fourth year putting on this fundraiser, and each one has sold out.

We are lucky enough to have Maryellen Burns as our guest speaker. Maryellen is a well-known local “foodie,” with many classes and presentations in the Sacramento community. Maryellen will be speaking on the topic “Ladies Who Lunch”  about the ladies rooms, tea shops, women’s clubs, and powerful women owned food businesses in Sacramento.

Tickets are available online at: Mother's Day Tea. Or email us at: for more information or to order a ticket. The suggested donation per ticket is $20. 

This is the pre-sale period for Friends and previous attendees. Tickets will go on sale to the general public on March 15. This is shaping up to be the best tea ever, so be sure to get your tickets early.

Thanks to our wonderful volunteers, the North Highlands-Antelope Library, and the community for all the book donations, our 3-day winter sale another success. Raising more that $1,200 for branch events, books and supplies, this is one of our main fundraising events for the year.

While there will not be a three-day sale until August, we may decide to hold “pop up sales” as book donations exceed our storage capacity. Stay tuned for more info about possible one day sales.

Lots of browsers at the winter book sale


The North Highlands-Antelope Friends of the Library will hold their second quarterly meeting of the year on Wednesday, April 17 in the library community room at 1:00 pm. The main agenda item will be to review the library’s upcoming program and resource needs. We will also finalize our Mother’s Day tea plans, strategize how to help make the Big Day of Giving an even greater success, and determine how to structure one day pop up sales.

 If you have never attended a meeting, but are curious about what the Friends really do, this is a great opportunity to hear from Kristi about what’s in store at the branch, and meet the volunteers and Friends that make our community so special.


In 2018, the Friends raised $10,728, about $2,000 more than our 2018 budget, so it was a good year. Most of our income comes from book sales (about $7,000), plus sale of rare books on Amazon ($755). We also held a successful fundraising event, Tea and Tinseltown ($1,420). And finally membership dues and donations added an additional $1,265 to our budget.

Last year, Kristi Powell, Branch Supervisor requested $4,302 for programs, $3,258 for books and $15 for supplies, for a total expenditure of $8,519.

    • Wild Things in April (alligators and wild birds and snakes, oh my)
    • Uncle Jer’s Bees
    • Nature’s Critters
    • Art Beast program
    • Dr. Seuss craft supplies and cake

Project supplies:
    • Sidewalk Poetry
    • STEM/Sound Science
    • Yayoi Kusama Dot Art
    • STEM/Physics
    • Figuring Abstraction
    • STEM/Kaleidoscopes and Suncatchers
    • Teen Space and WONDERLAB SUPPLIES
    • Teen Food Wars
    • Anti-Valentine’s Day
    • Teen After Hours Party
    • Life-Size Candyland
    • Plus snacks and sundry supplies

    • 4-week art class
    • Plus refreshments for 3 Book Clubs

We funded Lucky Day books with $3,000 for the year. These are best sellers with long-waiting lists that the Friends purchase just for patrons of our branch. If you come into the library and a book you were hoping to read is on the special shelf, well, then it is your Lucky Day.


  • On March 12, the Board plans to adopt Revised Policies and Procedures that will govern all branches. The main thrust of these policies is to provide additional safeguards for the handling of money at all branches, and to ensure that all the necessary documents required by state and federal law are being retained by all the branch Friends’ boards.
  • The finishing touches are being made to the Friends’ new Foundation, called Friends Investing in Sacramento Public Library. The goal of this new organization is to provide an avenue for members of the community to leave a legacy for Sacramento Public Library or their local branch library, if that is their wish. Friends Investing in Sacramento Public Library will invest the money and assure that earnings from the account are allocated in the appropriate manner. A new Board has been selected, and the new Friends organization should be in a position to begin accepting funds before the end of the year.