Join the Friends

Thursday, September 17, 2020



  • Curbside pickup by appointment now available at North Highlands-Antelope and most other locations. Reserve your book online, SPL will email you when the book is available. Drive over to the branch any time the library is open, Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and text the number listed on the sign. When prompted, enter your library card number. A staff member will bring your book to the table in front. Easy peasy.
  • Sacramento Public Library now offers computer appointments at six locations, including North Highlands-Antelope Library Thursdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This service is available in addition to curbside pickup and returns. Patrons can schedule a one-hour computer appointments by calling Customer Service at (916) 264-2920 or (800) 209-4627.
  • Volunteers will be needed to help library staff collect ballots for the upcoming fall election. We will let you know who to contact when SPL completes it planning process. Watch for an email and/or Facebook post.
  • Friends on Facebook - The Friends of the North Highlands-Antelope Library now has an official Facebook page. If you are on Facebook, please visit often, “Like” for updates, and share! Information about Friends membership, fundraisers, other and library programs will be posted on a regular basis. 


The Friends, Friends Investing in Sacramento Public Library, Sacramento Public Library and the Renaissance Society are presenting a free Zoom webinar series. There are still five classes left between now and October 22 as part of the free Enlightened Aging Academy series.

Next up on September 24 from noon-1:30 - “Do Not Resuscitate.”  Mike Ryder, licensed EMT will share insights into the emergency response perspective on DNR. It may be different than you think. Donna Bishop, MSN, Sutter Hospital Hospice Coordinator will discuss now a DNR informs your care in the hospital. Sign up for one or all of the webinars in this free series at

Enlightened Aging Academy continues at noon on Thursday Oct. 1, noon-1:30 with In-Home vs. Skilled Nursing Care vs. Home Health Care. What to expect from In-Home Care, with April Carni, community relations manager of Apex Care. Debi Morales, director of admissions & business development of Asbury Park Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, explains Skilled Care and why you might need it. Joe Sharpe, chief operating officer of Rx HealthCare Services, will share the basics and benefits of Home Health Care. Sign up for one or all of the webinars in this free series at

Enlightened Aging Academy explores Dementia: Open Your Mind To It in our free webinar series. Thursday October 8, noon-1:30, join us for Becoming Dementia Aware, with author and “dementia whisperer” Laura Wayman. UC Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Center will educate us about the various types of Dementia, how to spot early symptoms and how to navigate care for those with advanced stages of the disease. Sign up for one or all of the webinars in this free series at

Dying to Know: Making your Wishes Known is Enlightened Aging Academy’s topic for Thursday, October 15, noon-1:30. Join us at this free webinar to hear Myra Bennet -- author, Death Doula, and founder of compassionate Crossings. She will take us on a journey to learn the gift of comforting and caring for ourselves and our family in the most difficult of times – dying. Life Tribute Celebrant Tayce Vogel shares some of the choices available to craft our own unique and personal death experience. Sign up for this free webinar at

Enlightened Aging Academy winds up our free webinar series with Building a Lasting Legacy, Thursday October 22, noon-1:30. Sacramento Public Library Director and CEO Rivkah Sass will discuss the many components that constitute our legacies. Anne Rosenthal, shareholder at Drobny Law Offices, Inc. offers current information on how to preserve your financial estate and leave a legacy through a well-constructed estate plan, answering some of our most common questions. Sign up for this free webinar at


Even during the pandemic, Sacramento Public Library continues to offer lots of online programming, from story time to teen programs, and guest speakers and a variety of adult book clubs. Check out to get the complete list. 

The pandemic produced a wave of retirements and departures across the SPL system, including our own Kristi Powell, Branch Supervisor. Library Director Rivkah Sass and her management team have begun the process of interviewing replacements for the critical staff openings, so hopefully we will have a wonderful branch supervisor in the near future.

Starting September, SPL will host a monthly virtual meeting with the Sacramento County Veterans Officer as part of our services for the veteran population.

Meet with the CVSO

(Opens in a new window)

A monthly drop-in virtual chat with County Veteran Services Officer (CVSO), Rochelle Arnold. Find out more about benefit entitlement determinations, claim development, claim filing, and case management services. Open to veterans and family members and dependents of veterans. This program is held from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on September 24, October 29, November 19 and December 17. 


Book First is still under active review by the SPL childhood specialists. Stay tuned for info on book sorting and distribution.



On Sunday, September 27, branch leaders representing each of the 28 branches will hold a virtual meeting over Zoom to hear an update about library operations and activities from SPL Director, Rivkah Sass and the Friends leadership group.  We will also discuss different ideas to keep the branch Friends engaged, possible plans for reopening celebrations, Book Den happenings and any additional information from the branches. We will pass along what we learn to our North Highlands-Antelope Friends members.


The FSPL Bylaws require each branch board to meet three times per year and to provide a financial report twice per year. The only way to ensure that our branches are not out of compliance is to approve a change to the bylaws, allowing the Board to suspend the rules during an emergency. There will be a Zoom meeting just before the All Friends on September 27 at 1:00 pm so that members can vote on the amendment. You should have received the information, but if you need the log-in info to participate, let me know.