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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Peter Coyl Named New Library Director and CEO

Since 2017, Mr. Coyl has served as the Director of the Montclair Public Library, one of the busiest Municipal libraries in New Jersey.

His love of libraries started at the Sacramento Public Library where he was issued his first library card. Mr. Coyl has a Masters Degree in Library Science from Drexel University with a concentration in youth services. Over the course of his career he has served as the Chair of the Stonewall Book Awards Committee; as a member of the Public Library Association's Task Force on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice and most recently as the Vice President of the Freedom to Read Foundation.

Mr. Coyl will assume his role as the new Director effective January 3, 2022. For more information please see

A Chance to Thank and Say Good Bye to Rivkah

Rivkah is often heard saying that she works with the greatest people so, of course, before she heads off to a well-deserved retirement, she will be visiting every single library in the system so she can personally thank staff for all they do. 

Rivkah's Farewell Tour will commence in January. She will be coming to the North Highlands-Antelope Library on TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2022, from 1:00 to 1:30pm.

Chacha, North Highlands-Antelope Library supervisor, and the staff will present Rivkah with a picture book entitled Dear Librarian, signed by each staff member. Friends of the Library are invited to participate on the 11th. If you would like to sign the book to convey your thanks to Rivkah, please stop by the service desk during the library's open hours.

Rivkah has been a true friend and dedicated supporter of the Friends of Library. Please plan to convey your thanks and well wishes on January 11, 2022.