Yes, it's year six for the Book First Program. This important early literacy program is funded by the Friends of the Sacramento Public Library with most donations coming each May on the annual Big Day of Giving.
STUDENT BOOK PACKETS Book First provides two free books (one fiction and one nonfiction) to first graders in Sacramento's high need schools. This year there are 180 schools throughout Sacramento participating in the program with an estimated 14,000 first graders who will receive brand new books to keep.
were ordered in October and Friends of the Library volunteers assembled book packets at the Central Library or at home. Each
student packet includes a large blue envelope into which are placed two books, an activity sheet, a letter to parents and a
ticket for another free book when they visit the library. Completed book
packets will be distributed to the schools over the next couple months.
CLASS VISITS Librarians at North Highlands-Antelope will start scheduling virtual class visits starting in January 2022. Covid restrictions are still in place so, just like last school year, the visits will be via Zoom.
If you haven't had the experience of participating in a class visit there will be lots of opportunities starting in January. There's nothing quite so special as seeing the faces of the first graders when they open up the blue envelope and pull out the books-priceless!
Class visits last about 15 to 20 minutes and are done on Zoom so you can participate from home. The librarian orients the students to the materials in their packets and talks about the resources available at the library. You then have an opportunity to say a little about the Friends of the Library.
If you are interested in joining a class visit watch for future informational emails (via SignUpGenius) that will enable you to express your interest. Orientation and training will be provided for all Friends volunteers.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, Katherine McMillan, at